How does one write a wrap up for an enormous market full of inspiration and so many fun moments? I am not sure but this will be my attempt. I will give you my top ten products along with my top five vignettes and a look at some of my favorite people that I got […]
Life is a precious gift and yet most of us don’t take the countless opportunities to make the most of it.
It is almost here, can you feel it? Spring is doing her best to get here but her sister, Winter is holding on. I don’t mind Winter. Actually, I learned to love it many years ago, thanks perimenopause followed by menopuase. (Can I get an Amen?) IYKYKR? Seriously, the cold short days and early nights […]
Follow along with my blog and I will share my life, my work, along with tips and tricks to living life boldly. If there is one thing that I have figured out in my own life, there is a solution to nearly every obstacle you are facing. I laugh, sometimes I cry (rarely though, I am an Enneagram 8), I work hard and play hard sharing with you how to live life the way God created you to live. If you want to know the secrets of life, this isn’t the place, because there are none. If you want to know how to solve the problems, then you are in the right place.
If you are here, you must have read part I of Christmas is Coming and want more of the details of the story? I hope so. I did not expect to feel invigorated after the first post but I did. It was freeing to share some of the highlights of my life story as it […]
I know it seems a little early to be thinking about Christmas but is it? As fast as the world turns these days, it will be here next week. If only life would slow down just a bit but I guess that is not how it works. If you have been around my socials much, […]
I really hate the sentiment that “all good things must come to an end”. I have questions. Why must all good things come to an end? As life goes, this tour came to an end on our third day. It began just as the second with a delicious breakfast in the Temple Court of the […]
I am back with more details and nuggets of details about this amazing opportunity that I am forever grateful to have experienced. When they said it was an immersive experience, they meant it. Every interaction, each bite, and detail poured into this tour was exceptional. If there was any doubt that the people at Signature […]
I recently traveled to New York City, (if you are a GenX’er did you just hear that commercial from Pace Picante Sauce in your head? I did. NEW YORK CITY!) for the very first time as a member to experience the #truetofood tour with and Now, think about that for a minute, […]
Have you ever met someone on social media and instantly knew that they are your people? Nicole Lamar is my people. She is a mother of four and a brand new grandmother. She has been a creative since birth, she loves color, confidence, and the outdoors. She currently resides in a cabin on a lake […]
I share this home every year around mid to late May. It never gets old and it reminds me to always design with what the client loves. I take this very seriously and when my client is up for a whimsical take on what they love, magic happens. I am sure you can guess by […]
A reminder of the importance of taking risks, stepping out of our comfort zones, and having faith, even when facing challenges.
Life is a precious gift and yet most of us don’t take the countless opportunities to make the most of it.