High Point Spring Market 2024

How does one write a wrap up for an enormous market full of inspiration and so many fun moments? I am not sure but this will be my attempt. I will give you my top ten products along with my top five vignettes and a look at some of my favorite people that I got […]

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Living Life Fully: Embracing Fun and Joy

Life is a precious gift and yet most of us don’t take the countless opportunities to make the most of it.

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Welcome to the Bold and Beautiful Life Blog

Follow along with my blog and I will share my life, my work, along with tips and tricks to living life boldly. If there is one thing that I have figured out in my own life, there is a solution to nearly every obstacle you are facing. I laugh, sometimes I cry (rarely though, I am an Enneagram 8), I work hard and play hard sharing with you how to live life the way God created you to live. If you want to know the secrets of life, this isn’t the place, because there are none. If you want to know how to solve the problems, then you are in the right place. 

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We like it bold and beautiful

Life is a precious gift and yet most of us don’t take the countless opportunities to make the most of it.

Living Life Fully: Embracing Fun and Joy

Where's The Fun In That

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We have all seen the beatiful Instagram Influencer’s feeds with every inch of their home completely organized and believe it or not there are some people that live that way. Not me, I am not that person, I want to be that person but I have not reached that goal yet. Since that is the […]

Peace of Mind- Decluttering and Organizing Challenge

Bold Living

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When life gets busy, I keep going. This year has been insanely busy, yet I have accomplished more. As they say, “Make it make sense”. I don’t have the answer, but I am thankful that is my instinct. My mind digs in, grinds it out and just keeps going. It is September and my friends, […]

2023 Christmas Tree Designs

Bold Living

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No place like home for Christmas This trip down memory lane of homes that my team and I have decorated over the last few years is just as much fun for me as I hope it is for you. I want to give you ideas to decorate your home exactly as you have dreamed it […]

Parade of Christmas Homes II

Past and Present

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I might have promised a parade, a giveaway and a national holiday to celebrate the launch of the brand course, “How to Decorate a Christmas Tree like Alisa Berry”. I have delivered on the Giveaway (click here to join before 08/17/23 and you could win $500 in Christmas Decorations from Alisa Berry Designs.https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=662367355937527&set=a.414174947423437 ). Now, […]

Parade of Christmas Homes

Past and Present

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It is officially time to have the talk. You know I love to discuss the trends and how much I do not buy into them. I am what you might call anti-trend. My reasoning? It is a marketing ploy to make us all think that we constantly need something new to make us feel better […]

2023 Christmas Tree Trends


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Like chapters in a book, so are the days of telling this Christmas Story, so yes, there is a part three in this story. I will one day fully open up about my life whether I share it on my blog or in a book, but for now, I share the highlights and lowlights of […]

Christmas is Coming III

Where's The Fun In That

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If you are here, you must have read part I of Christmas is Coming and want more of the details of the story? I hope so. I did not expect to feel invigorated after the first post but I did. It was freeing to share some of the highlights of my life story as it […]

Christmas is Coming II

Past and Present

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I know it seems a little early to be thinking about Christmas but is it? As fast as the world turns these days, it will be here next week. If only life would slow down just a bit but I guess that is not how it works. If you have been around my socials much, […]

Christmas is Coming

Past and Present

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I really hate the sentiment that “all good things must come to an end”. I have questions. Why must all good things come to an end? As life goes, this tour came to an end on our third day. It began just as the second with a delicious breakfast in the Temple Court of the […]

SKS True to Food Tour III

Bold Living

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