Bold Living

SKS True to Food Tour II

June 3, 2023

I am back with more details and nuggets of details about this amazing opportunity that I am forever grateful to have experienced. When they said it was an immersive experience, they meant it. Every interaction, each bite, and detail poured into this tour was exceptional. If there was any doubt that the people at Signature […]

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I'm alisa!

I fearlessly design extraordinary homes for people who live life boldly; and I exist to empower others to embrace exactly who they are and live the life they were created to live to the fullest!


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I am back with more details and nuggets of details about this amazing opportunity that I am forever grateful to have experienced. When they said it was an immersive experience, they meant it. Every interaction, each bite, and detail poured into this tour was exceptional. If there was any doubt that the people at Signature Kitchen Suite wanted to really teach us about #truetofood, on our second day, it was erased. We enjoyed a fabulous breakfast at the Beekman Hotel and then we were on our way to our first stop of the day, for a tour of their rooftop garden and a farm to table lunch that still has me longing for the salad and pesto that our host prepared that day for us. Never has a bite of food hit my tongue like that did. In fact, since I love you all so much, I am sharing the link to our tour guide Kate’s blog where she posted the recipes and a few photos from our time there, the only catch? When you make this pesto, please invite me.

This farm to table salad is the best salad that I have ever had and in the bottom of this amazing photo are the roasted baby turnips which are a “must”, the taste compared to a soft, buttery mild onion in some ways and absolutely nothing like a turnip. All she did to those was pick them and place them in a toaster oven.
Veronika and Flo Jo trying out the baby spring garlic

Off to ICFF

Just in case you have not determined yet, Designhounds never stop, so we are off to the ICFF Now for those of you who do not know what that is, ICFF is North America’s leading platform for contemporary furnishing design. If you are wondering what this has to do with #truetofood, let me explain. We were given a fun task of creating a dream kitchen with Signature Kitchen Appliances, and this event allowed us the opportunity to source other components of our dream kitchen vision boards while in NYC. Since ICFF has an emphasis on original and sustainable design this gave us the perfect opportunity to source from over 400 emerging brands from 25 different countries. I know, pinch me right? There were so many gorgeous introductions. I will share a couple of my favorites.

Ashleigh Underwood of Ashleigh Underwood Home and Interior Design is certainly one of the beautiful introductions and she was so much fun.

And we are eating again!

Do you see the common theme here yet? We did a lot of eating, but not just any eating, it was #truetofood style. Our next stop was at the famous Roman and Williams Guild for their restaurant La Mercerie located in Soho. La Mercerie is a restaurant with flair for true French Cooking with Chef Marie-Aude Rose who balances her classical training and avant-garde practices in a thoughtful reimagining of French cuisine. (from the website at La Mercerie) In my words, it was one of the most recent times in my life to enjoy French cuisine. Our dinner consisted of a five course meal. Amuses Bouche for the table ( fine bites preceding the main course and are determined at the chef’s discretion) included Mini Gougeres savory choux pastry with cheese and Huitres, Buerre Aux Algues ET Caviar oysters served with Kaviari “kristal” caviar, bread and seaweed butter. On to the first course which was Salade Verte Croquante Aux Herbes Aromatiques little gem, radish, cucumber, fines herbes dressing. Are you still with me? Definitely much different from what this Mississippi girl is accustomed to consuming each day, and I enjoyed it. The main course was a choice of Saumon Grille bearnaise, spinach, garlic nougatine or Filet De Beuf Au Poivre petite greens salad and you can see below which I chose. The main course was accompanied by sides that were shared family style, haricots vertss sauteed green beans, garlic butter and gratin dauphinois potato gratin, nutmeg, garlic. By now, I was full but seriously the food just kept coming, so the Cheese Course was next, which consisted of a few selections of French and American cheeses. Oh but we didn’t stop there, no, the wine was flowing along with the laughs and conversations, so we enjoyed our Dessert Course next. Profiteroles Au Chocolat choux pastry, vanilla ice cream, hot chocolate sauce, what was not to love? Anyone else ready to head to France with me to enjoy more of this #truetofood cuisine?

Our private dining room at La Mercerie
photo by Sara Harman of Donille Perone of SKS appliance and myself
photo by Sara Harman of Garrison Hullinger of Garrison Hullinger Interiors and myself
photo by me of Michelle Cortizo of Michelle Cortizo Interiors, Laura Hildebrandt of Interiors by LH, and Jake Galang of Ilustracion by Jake
photo by Sara Harman of myself and John Russon of SKS appliances
photo by me and I loved this one of Garrison laughing so freely
photo by me of our tour guide for the Guild at Roman and Williams

Oh but we are not done yet

If you thought that a Designhound went down that easy, you were wrong. John Russo one of our tour guides from SKS invited us to the bar at the Beekman hotel for a nightcap. Of course, I went and there are no photos that any of us are willing to share (seriously I hope not) from this event other than my drink that I highly recommend you try should make it by there. Are you thirsty for more like a Designhound? Come back for part three. Be sure to follow along on IG and FB for other photos especially in the Story Highlights on IG.

Nightcap at the Beekman hotel. The Jungle Bird is the name and I highly recommend it.

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I'm Alisa, your fearless designer.

A few years ago, I was a designer just designing for whoever came along and there was no joy in it for me. But, I wanted more meaningful and so did my clients. Now, I help women learn to be bold in their lives by transforming their homes from boring and bland to the unique and gorgeous home that serves their dreams. 

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Fearlessly designing extraordinary homes for women who live life boldly.

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