Have you ever met someone on social media and instantly knew that they are your people? Nicole Lamar is my people. She is a mother of four and a brand new grandmother. She has been a creative since birth, she loves color, confidence, and the outdoors. She currently resides in a cabin on a lake in Myrtle, MS where she is learning to slow down and enjoy the simple things.

I don’t recall exactly how Nicole and I connected on Instagram but I am so thankful we did. Every post is contagious. She exudes confidence, joy, gratitude, and love for life. I honestly look forward to her posts. Each one full of joy and encouragement for life. This is what I refer to when I say, “Live life boldly.”
She is living on her own terms and making no apologies for doing what makes her happy. When I set this category up on my blog, I knew she would be one of the people that I wanted to share with you. You can’t help but smile inside when you come across one of her posts. You will find her on Instagram @nicoleglamar I highly encourage you to follow her. I asked her to share a few details about why she is on this path with me for this post and it is hard to believe that she ever had self doubt. I am sharing her words below.

I was feeling a bit lost and flat, like I was just a passenger “along for the ride” in my own life. And that’s where a new adventure began.
Now I’m utilizing my decade of experience sitting in severe self-doubt to help others. I finally realized that my purpose was to guide people towards embracing their true selves, become fully alive, and unlock their own self-confidence.
I’m an extrovert, I’m a creative, and I love life. But I couldn’t shake off the nagging feeling that something just wasn’t right on the inside.
I knew that if I was feeling this way, many other women probably were too.
As I began to unravel the secrets of awakening confidence, bravery, and take small (yet courageous!) steps forward, I wanted to bring women together to experience this freeing feeling with me.
Confidence is a skill that we all have, but need to exercise and build, like we do a muscle. It’s so much simpler than it all seems. We have a roadmap ready and easy to follow, and it’s creating a ripple-effect. We’re filling up rooms with women ready to forge ahead in life, embrace a vibrant, contagious confidence and become fully alive!

When I see photos of Nicole’s art work or just a photo of her beautiful smile, it makes my day brighter. Then I read her captions, “be the only”, “there is no competition”, “you’re in a category of one”, and I want to be a better person. I hope that you find some encouragement to Live Life Boldly when you get to know Nicole. I am very grateful that she said yes to me sharing her story with you. If you want to know more about Nicole you can find her here: https://onamission.bio/confidenceworkshop/
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