Bold Living

Nicole Lamar Bold Living

May 18, 2023

Have you ever met someone on social media and instantly knew that they are your people? Nicole Lamar is my people. She is a mother of four and a brand new grandmother. She has been a creative since birth, she loves color, confidence, and the outdoors. She currently resides in a cabin on a lake […]

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I'm alisa!

I fearlessly design extraordinary homes for people who live life boldly; and I exist to empower others to embrace exactly who they are and live the life they were created to live to the fullest!


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If you are ready to live boldly in your home and have a home you feel confident in, let's connect!

Have you ever met someone on social media and instantly knew that they are your people? Nicole Lamar is my people. She is a mother of four and a brand new grandmother. She has been a creative since birth, she loves color, confidence, and the outdoors. She currently resides in a cabin on a lake in Myrtle, MS where she is learning to slow down and enjoy the simple things.

I don’t recall exactly how Nicole and I connected on Instagram but I am so thankful we did. Every post is contagious. She exudes confidence, joy, gratitude, and love for life. I honestly look forward to her posts. Each one full of joy and encouragement for life. This is what I refer to when I say, “Live life boldly.”

She is living on her own terms and making no apologies for doing what makes her happy. When I set this category up on my blog, I knew she would be one of the people that I wanted to share with you. You can’t help but smile inside when you come across one of her posts. You will find her on Instagram @nicoleglamar I highly encourage you to follow her. I asked her to share a few details about why she is on this path with me for this post and it is hard to believe that she ever had self doubt. I am sharing her words below.

I was feeling a bit lost and flat, like I was just a passenger “along for the ride” in my own life. And that’s where a new adventure began. 

Now I’m utilizing my decade of experience sitting in severe self-doubt to help others. I finally realized that my purpose was to guide people towards embracing their true selves, become fully alive, and unlock their own self-confidence.

I’m an extrovert, I’m a creative, and I love life. But I couldn’t shake off the nagging feeling that something just wasn’t right on the inside.

 I knew that if I was feeling this way, many other women probably were too. 

As I began to unravel the secrets of awakening confidence, bravery, and take small (yet courageous!) steps forward, I wanted to bring women together to experience this freeing feeling with me. 

Confidence is a skill that we all have, but need to exercise and build, like we do a muscle. It’s so much simpler than it all seems. We have a roadmap ready and easy to follow, and it’s creating a ripple-effect. We’re filling up rooms with women ready to forge ahead in life, embrace a vibrant, contagious confidence and become fully alive!

When I see photos of Nicole’s art work or just a photo of her beautiful smile, it makes my day brighter. Then I read her captions, “be the only”, “there is no competition”, “you’re in a category of one”, and I want to be a better person. I hope that you find some encouragement to Live Life Boldly when you get to know Nicole. I am very grateful that she said yes to me sharing her story with you. If you want to know more about Nicole you can find her here:

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I'm Alisa, your fearless designer.

A few years ago, I was a designer just designing for whoever came along and there was no joy in it for me. But, I wanted more meaningful and so did my clients. Now, I help women learn to be bold in their lives by transforming their homes from boring and bland to the unique and gorgeous home that serves their dreams. 

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Fearlessly designing extraordinary homes for women who live life boldly.

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